Sunday, August 8, 2010

Takaragaike and more curry

Today Benna and I went on a long bike ride to the North end of town. I wanted to explore an area that I remembered from my childhood, and I knew from the map that there was a lake to explore. Plus, the girls needed to spend some time apart after much bickering yesterday. So off we went.

After about twenty minutes following the river upstream, the neighborhood started changing and I felt that we were in the right area. I followed a few sidestreets and we emerged at a large playground. I don't think it was the same place I remembered from 1975, but it was just what Benna wanted! There was climbing stuff, swings, and most importantly WATER to splash in! Benna liked the saucer-swing.

Note the bathrooms - one for Men, one for Women, and one for Children! (Up to third grade they don't separate the boys and girls here.)

The area is called Takaragaike, and I knew a bit about the place - there is a large reservoir and the famous Kyoto International Conference Center nearby. It was tough dragging Benna away from the playground, but eventually I convinced her that it was time for lunch and off we pedaled.

Very quickly I found the path that led to the spot pictured below. To our north was the conference center where the famous "Kyoto Protocol" was written. To our south was the Takaragaike reservoir, with turtles and carp and paddle boats.

The ride back to town was mostly downhill so it went quickly. It was easy to convince Benna that a return trip to the curry restaurant would be a good idea! This time I had my camera, so I can show you what the place is like.

The counter can seat nine, but if the stools were all occupied by adults, everyone would be rubbing shoulders! The long view shows pretty much the entire place. Notice the lady sitting in the distance, that's the chef. We had Chicken and Beef curry on rice. Benna found it a bit spicy but delicious. Here are before and after shots!

Another fine day.

This last shot is for my parents. Does this building look familiar? The corner of Konoe and Higashioji! (One block north of the curry restaurant.)

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