Monday, July 26, 2010

Northern Alps of Japan

We woke up this morning to clearer skies, and this is what the view from the lodge looked like.....

It was settled - we would go up the mountain without delay!

So we shouldered our load and hiked up and up and up ..... boy was it tiring!

OK, just kidding, we took the gondola and three chair lifts to the top of "Happo" mountain. we could see the town far below us.

From the top of the lifts, we started our hike. Before long we were looking at snow!

The scenery was incredible. Amazing peaks all around, also wildflowers galore along with gurgling mountain streams and chirping birds. Hikers were all around too, but it was very orderly and organized, very Japanese. Many people cheerfully said "Konichiwa" or "Herro!" as we passed. Several large school groups and of course many people in dress shoes, slacks, even one guy in a fancy tie and dress shirt. Weird.

The lift ride down was fun. A special treat was a rainbow BELOW us! Our fellow guests at the lodge report that they got rained on while canoeing in the lake. I guess we made a good choice of activity for the day as we felt maybe five raindrops.

Unforgettable. This place is fantastic and very un-crowded. We know that the skiing is great, and now we have been up the hill and I can say it is very high! So, next time in WINTER!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aaron! The mountain scenery is gorgeous! And the view down from up on top gives me vertigo, even just looking at the pictures!! The girls and Jana look so happy and seem to be having a ball. All is well here. Tomorrow we are off to Maine and will be home again on (our) Thursday night. On Friday we will pick up (I hope not literally!) Pax. Love to all. Mom
