Friday, July 9, 2010

The Trip

First of all, a big shout out to all our friends and family who made this trip possible. You know who you are, for example Noel thanks for taking us to the airport and snapping this victory shot of me and Benna arriving ON TIME and all fired up!

It took two hours to get through check in and security, but that left us with time to feed the princess, or should I say "queen of the wings!" Just her luck to find a Wild Wings restaurant right next to our departure gate!

So far so good...but the flight was brutally long. I tried to keep a positive attitude. It mostly worked, but next time I should take stronger drugs.

The Incheon airport was clean and bright and classy and beautiful, but at 4am it was completely deserted! Thank you Jana for suggesting the polly-pocket dolls, they were a lifesaver.

I ran out of every kind of battery power at that point, so no more pictures.

We landed and cleared customs smoothly. Amazing Japan - they use thermal imaging cameras when you enter the country to screen you for a fever! We managed to get the correct train to Kyoto and it left right on time (of course). It was surreal watching the houses stream by in my travel-fogged vision. Tomoko met us at Kyoto station, which was amazing since the place is huge and amazingly crowded. (I wonder if we stood out from the crowd a tiny bit?)
We are settling in. More soon.

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