Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wonderful train ride - Hida Express

After a leisurely morning in Takayama we boarded our train out of the mountains, headed back to the East coast and the big city of Nagoya.

A few words about the trains. Japanese trains have a reputation for reliability and punctuality. we have also found them to be clean and comfortable, quick and convenient. There is often a snack cart selling food and drinks. On many trains, the seats can be rotated so we get to sit in a group facing each other. A few pictures below show what this particular train looked like. The passage between cars had vending machines, a large toilet and separate wash basin. Amtrak could learn a few things from the Japan Rail system!

In my opinion, the best features of this particular train were the big windows and open front.

I spent most of this ride sitting in that front row of seats, looking over the driver's shoulder watching the small towns pass by, looking across the river at mountains and hydro dams.

Every twenty minutes or so we would hit a siding and a train would pass in the other direction.

This was the other half of the ride from two days ago that I was not able to document, so it should give you an idea of what it looked like. The pictures do not capture the beauty really, the mist over the water and the raging rapids that would appear and disappear. The cliffs and the tangled jungle of undergrowth on the hillsides. Anyway it was a great ride, I enjoyed it immensely.

After arriving in Nagoya we took a Shinkansen (bullet train) one stop to a suburb where I found an amazing hotel deal. ( We also got to watch the express train zoom by - still cool the second time!)

Anyway - for about $145 we have two adjacent rooms at a "business hotel," very comfy and modern, of course air conditioned with internet and TV, complimentary admission to the Onsen (hot spring) IN the hotel, which happens to be one of the nicest ones we have been to in my opinion! A night-time snack in the restaurant and breakfast tomorrow morning are also included. We paid almost as much for a single room at the hostel, sleeping on the floor, with shared bathrooms, no Onsen at all, shared TV and access to a shared kitchen! Anyway we are all psyched for this, our last night on the road.

Tomorrow we have a big surprise in store for the girls........check in soon to find out what it was!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful "ride"I felt I was on. I guess we must have a family gene for being up front in a train, whether a subway car or the ones you describe, and "helping"the driver keep it on the rails. What wonderful memories you'll all have. Enjoy the next days in Nagoya and take lots of pictures of laughing and happy girls. We're both fine and Pax seems to still be able to navigate Morgan Circle without panting too much. Lotsa love from Mom and me.
